Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fails and Scores of 2013

Fails and Scores of 2013 

Now into mid January of 2014, we've all had some time to reflect on the past year. Here are my picks for the most epic fails and scores of 2013. So, let's take a moment to learn from the failures and be encouraged by the successes in hopes that this year will be even better.


The Government Shutdown revealed how polarized Congress and our nation are politically. Both sides need to learn how to talk to one another and compromise!

The Miley Cyrus 'Twerk' Makes The Dictionary!Miley Cyrus's Twerking
First there was Britney, Lindsey, Amanda and now Miley. I don't know why people continue to be shocked when former Disney stars go from sweet to scandalous, but Miley's performance at the 2013 VMAs was the twerk heard round the world.

I'm not sure I'm willing to trust this administration with my health, when they can't make a decent website. But maybe it will be a good thing, if people can get past the glitches to sign up for it!

Lance Armstrong's Doping
Exactly a year ago, Armstrong admitted to doping in an interview with Oprah. The fail comes not in his admission, but in his lying to the whole world for years.


TIME Magazine Cover, April 29 / May 6, 2013
Photo Credit: Mark Seliger for TIME
Malala Yousafzai's Courage
She was shot at age 15 by the Taliban for going to school. Now, at 17 she was Runner-Up for Time's Person of the Year (2013) for her courage in continuing to advocate for girls and women to pursue education, even in the face of threats and violence.

Diana Nyad's Swim
She was the first to swim from Cuba to Miami without a protective shark cage and she did it at age 64, proving that you're never too old to set records and fulfill your dreams.

The Royal Prince of Cambridge's Birth
Born in July of 2013, Prince George was instantly the talk of tabloids and heir to lands and fortune. He is one lucky baby.

Time's Top Ten Everything of 2013

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